Meet results
KAYAK – O / 50 Participants – 30 Starts
1- Jeremy Colgan 1:20
2- Shari Hymes 1:33
3- Stefan Slutsky 1:40
4- Jeff & Cait 1:43
5- Marilyn MacGown 1:49
6- Lost Boys 1:55
7- Tom Hickey & Todd Vickery 1:55
8- Sue & Bob Roberson 1:56
9- Rob Meyerson 2:04
10- Chris & Sarah Morrissey 2:05
11- Yuriy Shepelov 2:05
12- Tara & Marko Budurovych 2:06
13- Ellen & Mary 2:06
14- Elaine & Marie 2:08
15- Frank Yost 2:10
16- Kaedyn Mahoney 2:11
17- Michelle Mahoney 2:11
18- Maria Campese & Rosemary Jones 2:15
19- Sarah Neitzel 2:20
20- James & Gayl Kiesling 2:26
21- Kristen Anderson 2:32
22- G & J 2:33
23- Jim Greene 2:50
24- Marianne Morton 2:50
25- Kayak Adventurers 2:51
26- Nicholas Greene 2:51
27- Ronald Reid 2:51
28- Connor Maggio 2:52
29- Matt Greene 2:53
30 Regina Wall 2:54
Top combined performance goes to Stefan Slutsky, an elite orienteer, who took first on the Orange, 2nd on the Score-O, and 3rd in the Kayak-O. Next up was Jeremy Colgan, another outstanding Orienteer, who won the Kayak-O and took 3rd on the Score-O. rounding out the top three was Shari Hymes, the Adventure Racer, who took 2nd on both the Kayak-O, for which she used a Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP), and 2nd on the Yellow Course.
WHITE COURSE 1.5 Miles / 9 Controls
1- Hot Chicks 0:53:58
YELLOW COURSE 1.7 Miles / 12 Controls
1- Sam’s Club 0:53:20
2- Shari Hymes 0:45:57
3- Dmitry Shevchenko 1:00:00
4- Maria Campese & Rosemary Jones 1:15:35
5- Who Cares? 1:17:52
6- Ellen Perry 1:32:58
ORANGE COURSE 1.6 Miles / 11 Controls
1- Stefan Slutsky 0:18:38
2- A. Rosenperl 0:30:00
3- Yuriy Shepelev 0:35:02
4- David Lloyd 0:53:09
5- Lost Boys 1:18:49
6- Seifert / Upson 1:26:10
SCORE-O / 20 Controls
All Competitors Punched All Controls (175 Points)
1- Misha Leder 0:25:30
2- Stefan Slutsky 0:25:40
3- J. Colgan 0:30:08
4- Chris Morrissey 0:42:56
5- A. Rozenperl 0:43:56
6- Nicky Shevenko 0:57:15
7- Departure Control 1:19:29
8- Mike Baden 1:21:58