Kayak Orienteering - Sunny and a little cool with a 10mph NW headwind made the paddle a bit challenging. Triple college student power were the Winners. But how cute is that face???
Foot Orienteering - There was plenty of courses to choose from and a few did multiple courses. Ticking Tire Bags took top honors on the Score-O and JH won both the Yellow and Orange courses.
KAYAK 10 controls
1. The Winners 2:02:00
2. Tom & Cat 2:16:00
3. Skeleton Crew 2:21:56
4. The Lucky Loon 2:25:22
5. The Greene Beans 3:03:00
6. Jenny Liu 3:21:00 9 controls
7. Brian & Bennett Wagner (Troop 12) 2:36:10 7 controls
8. Dan & Dylan Bernzweig (Troop 12) 2:36:10 7 controls
9. Rob & Carol Meyerson 3:02:00 7 controls
WHITE COURSE 14 controls, 2.6K
1. Amy Susnea 0:32:04
2. Outer Control 0:37:00
3. Carl Galiaw 0:42:19
4. Ryan Gudelinis 0:50:08
5. Donald Desamours 0:52:02
6. Jack Handler (Troop 12) no start ticket 0:57:13
7. Jonathan, Howard, Anthony (Troop 12) 1:27:13
8. Pack 66 (Troop 68) 1:43:00
9. Howard Lawence DNF
10. Jonathan Soviero DNF
YELLOW COURSE 14 controls, 2.6K
1. JH 0:20:41
2. E.C.T. 0:40:50
3. 4G + 1B 01:01:40
4. Team IOWA 01:21:45
ORANGE COURSE 17 controls, 2.8K
1. JH 0:41:43
2. Tom & Cat 0:57:44
3. Nina Rozenberg 1:01:58
4. Amy Susnea 1:09:20
5. Thomas Sanford 1:35:00
6. James Kiesling 1:46:58
7. Adventurous Hikers 2:22:36
SCORE- O 25 controls, max points 235
1. Ticking Tire Bags 0:29:35
2. Thomas Gifford 0:29:50
3. The Winners 0:36:00
4. Charlotte Chung 0:38:58
5. Chris Morrissey 0:52:29
6. Alex Rozenberg 0:55:30
7. Frank Yost 1:10:17
8. Debbie Charalavan 1:31:41
9. Pepe’s Pirates 1:39:13